Australia Day In The Toowoomba Region : Love Local News
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Australia Day In The Toowoomba Region

You’re invited to show your national pride by joining any of Toowoomba Regional Council’s (TRC) community celebrations planned for Australia Day on Thursday, January 26th.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said Council was pleased to be involved in presenting a range of free events around the region that offered a great family outing. Mayor Antonio said joining fellow residents at these or other functions was a fitting way to celebrate our national day. “I am proud to mark the many benefits of being an Australian and the added good fortune that comes with living in the Toowoomba Region. This is well worth celebrating,” Mayor Antonio said.

Toowoomba Regional Council Australia Day committee chair Cr Mike Williams said Australia Day awards would be presented at respective functions to a host of worthy achievers. “Council congratulates the recipients of community and the wider regional awards who will be announced on Australia Day,” Cr Williams said. “Local committees have awarded these honours in recognition of outstanding service by people in their respective fields.

“It is pleasing to see people rewarded for their volunteer contributions and community service. The good turn is alive and well in our region.
Too often this voluntary work is taken for granted or not appreciated fully by others who do not understand the commitment that is required to run groups and activities.”

Regional Australia Day activities are an important part of the Toowoomba area’s rich traditions. Council is proud to be involved with regional Australia Day ceremonies at Pittsworth, Oakey, Highfields, Crows Nest, Cecil Plains, Cambooya, Clifton, Goombungee and the Picnic Point function in Toowoomba.

“There is no better way to celebrate Australia Day than with other Australians. I urge residents to join community events or other neighbourhood celebrations across the region, ” Cr Williams said. “Events feature short flag raising functions and addresses before a host of games, entertainment and novelty events.”

Toowoomba’s Picnic Point function will be held from 8am to 1pm with a climbing wall, big slide and jumping castle for junior Aussies before a flag raising ceremony with billy tea and lamingtons.

Following an official welcome at 8.50am, the Toowoomba Municipal Band will perform, before the presentation of Australia Day awards from 9.35am, including the W.H. Groom scholarship. A free sausage sizzle with watermelon will be served from 11am followed by the Darling Downs Revue and Australian folk songs performed by Penny Davies and Roger Ilott.

Regional events:

Toowoomba – Picnic Point, 8am to 1pm. Flag raising 8.30am. 9.35am start of official awards ceremony. Free sausage sizzle and watermelon (limited supplies)

Pittsworth – Pittsworth Pioneer Village, Pioneer Way 7am to noon. 7am barbecue breakfast, awards ceremony from 9am including Ambassador address from 2015 Masterchef Australia runner-up Georgia Barnes. Activities include the Postle Sprint, cross cut saw competition, billy cart races and other events. The Ridgee Didge Bush Band will entertain visitors with the function ending at noon.

Oakey – Arthur Shooter Park, Stanley Street, Oakey, 7am start of breakfast (on sale); 8.30am official awards ceremony followed by start of activities at 9.45am. Races from 10am. Noon-2pm entertainment, BYO picnic.

Highfields – Highfields Pioneer Village, 9am-5pm. Official ceremony, including awards function at 2pm.

Cecil Plains/Millmerran – Community Hall park, Cheetham St, Cecil Plains. 7am barbecue breakfast, 9am official function.

Crows Nest – Centenary Park, 6.30am breakfast, official function from 8am.

Cambooya – Cambooya Recreation Grounds, Lucy Street, 8am free breakfast, 8.30am free children’s games and family activities, 9am start of official awards ceremony.

Clifton – F. E. Logan Hall, Meara Place, Clifton, 7-9.30am includes barbecue breakfast.

Goombungee – Goombungee Public Hall, 8.30am-11am. Includes breakfast, awards ceremony. Noon-6pm a pool party at Goombungee pool.

Yarraman – Errol Munt Park playground area 7-11am Clean Up Australia Day followed by a free sausage sizzle.

For a full schedule of regional events, please visit


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