Feelin’ Dirty? Soap Up For Queensland!!!


At the WASH DEPOT on Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th January 2011

We’ve all been affected by the floods that shook our town and changed our lives. Why not clean your car and/or pooch AND help us rebuild Queensland at the same time. So come along and get clean for Queensland!!!

The WASH DEPOT, located on the corner of Tor Street and Hursley Road, Newtown (near the Toowoomba Racecourse) will kindly donate their total sales (excl. GST) between 12.00AM Wednesday 26th (Australia Day) and midnight Thursday 27th January 2011 to the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal.

The Wash Depot is open 24/7, but stunning local ladies in their bikinis and Wash Depot staff will be available to assist from 7.30AM until 5.00PM on both Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th.

Facilities include automatic and self-serve car washing, DIY car care (vacuuming and fragrances), dog washing and coffee. So get your cars and pooches clean folks and make the time before or after celebrating Australia Day to contribute to an authentic and needy cause.

Submitted by Nova
www.washdepot.com.au Toowoomba’s only 5 Star Rated Water Saver Car Wash

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