Independent Candidate Says Residents Don’t Want Political Games : Love Local News

Independent Candidate Says Residents Don’t Want Political Games

Independent Candidate Suzie Holt says residents want politicians who are interested in them, not political games.

Out on the campaign trail, fne Independent Federal candidate for the seat of Groom has been inundated with stories from residents of Groom who are
suffering due to out-of-touch Federal policies. “Everywhere I go, people are telling
me about their struggles related to unemployment and major delays in accessing
health, disability and aged care.”

While the major parties squabble in the media, the people are concerned about how policies will affect them in their everyday lives. The issue of coal vs renewable
energy is a case in point. “Listen to the Acland mine workers from Oakey who have
not had their concerns about job security addressed by either the Federal or State
governments – people need certainty to make decisions about their lives”.

People are also deeply concerned about the possibility of the Federal LNP
Government extending the use of the Indue card to the Electorate of Groom as
requested by the local State LNP branch.

Suzie Holt went on to say, “People are already struggling to survive. The idea of the Federal Government making their lives even harder by bringing in the Indue Card is incomprehensible.”

Submitted by:
Suzie Holt,
Independent Candidate for Groom

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