The Macular Degeneration Foundation will present a free information session on Macular Degeneration in Highfields on Saturday, 12 May at Highfields Cultural Centre from 10.00am to 12.00pm.
This session will be presented by leading ophthalmologist Dr David Hilford who has a wealth of experience in Macular Degeneration. Attendees will be provided with detailed information including risk reduction, current and future treatments and how to live well with Macular Degeneration.
“Macular Degeneration affects our central vision and is responsible for our ability to read, drive and see faces clearly,” says the Foundation’s CEO, Julie Heraghty. “Quality of life and maintaining independence is the key to healthy ageing and living well with Macular Degeneration.”
“There is a great need to raise the awareness of this disease and to ensure that people have access to information, guidance, understanding and support,” says Ms Heraghty. “This is a great opportunity for all in the family to learn about Macular Degeneration and its symptoms, as well as risk reduction measures and treatments.”
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss in Australia.
1 in 7 Australians over 50 years is affected in some way.
1 million Australians had some evidence of this disease in 2010.
1.7 million Australians will be affected in the absence of treatment and prevention efforts by 2030.
In 2010, this disease cost the Australian community approximately $5 billion.
Four times the prevalence of Dementia and almost half the prevalence of Diabetes.
There is a 50% chance of developing Macular Degeneration if a direct family member has the disease.
This session is open to anyone who would like to attend but bookings are essential via the Macular Degeneration Foundation on 1800 111 709. A free information kit will be provided which includes an Amsler grid that can be used for testing of symptoms. Free information kits are available for those who cannot attend by phoning the Foundation.