The Millmerran Multipurpose Health Service will be holding the biennial health expo at the Millmerran Sports Centre on Thursday May 20th, from 9.00am to 4.00pm. Please note the new venue.
This year we are asking a wider range of health service providers, sports, craft and beauty services. In past years, exhibitor feedback indicated that the Expo is a valuable tool in promoting their business or activity in this community.
The Expo will be open to the public of all ages, free of charge to access the many displays featured. Schools will be invited to come along. There will be activities eg. food and nutrition for school students to take part in. This Expo will give our community more insight into the services available locally and regionally.
Helen Blanch
Community and Health Promotion Nurse
Millmerran Multipurpose Health Service
50-60 Commens Street, Millmerran Q 4357
Phone 07 4695 3123 Fax 4695 3133
Email: [email protected]