Our Region News Blog Goes Over 500,000 Hits In 12 Months To Date

Since the catastrophic events of Monday 10 January 2011 Our Region and Toowoomba Regional Radio has received tens of queries from across the world from BBC World News,  Sky News, media from Toowoomba’s sister city in New Zealand Wanganui and Florida USA. Due to the worldwide interest web traffic has increased significantly and pushed site hits to over 1/2 million. This is amazing!

Thank you for our regular readers for dropping by and seeing what’s new and to our many first time visitors this year.

Peak of hits after the January 10 flash flooding event in Toowoomba and the

January 2010 – January 2011

Successful requests: 541,214
Average successful requests per day: 1,388
Data transferred: 13.29 gigabytes *For a media light site this is substantial.

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List Of Items Urgently Needed For Lockyer Valley Flood Recovery

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Feelin’ Dirty? Soap Up For Queensland!!!

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