Saturday 27th May, the Rangeville Space Pilots’ Club will be holding their second model Rocket Launch day for 2017 at the T.A.R.M.A.C. model aircraft field, starting at 1:30pm.
T.A.R.M.A.C. is just 10kms south of Toowoomba on the New England Highway For those unsure of the field’s location, exit Toowoomba southward via Ruthven Street and drive through Hodgsonvale for another 2-3 kilometres, and on a downhill section beyond “The Outlook” (on your left), you’ll find the field located on your right ….you’ll see the windsock. Drive in through the gate and park in the ample grassy carpark. Visitors are most welcome.
 In the accompanying photo, Ben Kajewski, a Junior Space Pilot is seen holding the Club’s “World Vision Rocket” in front of photos of two of the three World Vision kids the club currently supports.
 Amongst others, that rocket will also be launched in celebration of the Club’s continuous support of this great humanitarian organisation. The Club has supported many dozens of children throughout the world through World Vision over several decades.  (Space Pilots), a youth organisation now 51 years old, meets at the Rangeville Community Church 362 Mackenzie Street every Friday night during term 6:15 to 8:15pm.)
As for the Launch site itself, there are toilet facilities on site, and refreshments are also available.
It is recommended that visitors bring folding chairs or a blanket (or moistureproof sheet)..
You’ll delight in seeing dozens of colourful, lovingly-crafted rockets explode off the pad in a plume of smoke to the cheers of excited onlookers, young and old alike. It truly is something positive and different from the humdrum of everyday life
All are welcome to come and  join in the countdown as the rockets zoom into the wide blue* yonder. ( * The day has been postponed one-week to the 27th May).
Submitted by:
Barry Whisson
Rangeville Space Pilots’ Club